Individual student consultations

Book your students in for a personalised consultation to give them the head-start on their application

Harnessing over 15 years of experience guiding students to their ideal university place, booking students for a one-to-one consultation with Dr Tranter gives them the chance to ask their more pressing questions and gain an understanding of what they should be applying for and how they can maximise their chances of success.

Students receive an in-depth report after our consultation that they and their parents can refer back to throughout their year of preparation.

After this consultation, students will:

Have a clearer concept of the right university choices for them

Know what they need to do to maximise their chances for success

Understand what the admissions tutors are looking for, specifically for their course(s) of interest

Understand how admissions tests may be used and whether this can be a positive for their application

Contact me below to arrange a meeting so we can discuss your school’s needs further

Contact me.



0203 954 2557